
#fitnessfriday: Ballet Beautiful before and after challenge


So I've noticed a lot of people stop by my #fitnessfriday posts looking for more information on Ballet Beautiful. And you know what? I often spend time online looking for more info on it too! What usually happens is I slack on my workouts for a bit, don't get the results that I want and then begin over-analyzing whether I should stick with it or switch workout programs...aaaand then I start googling - looking for before and after posts for inspiration. For the most part, what I find online for Ballet Beautiful are articles about Victoria's Secret Angels and how much they love the workout but there isn't much in the way of feedback or testimonials from "regular" people. That's kind of odd, don't you think? In comparison, there's so much online from folks who workout with Tracy Anderson (who I also love) or any of the Beachbody workouts, or Jillian Michaels, etc, etc. I guess I'll have to volunteer myself as tribute, commit to the program and see (once and for all) just how well Ballet Beautiful can deliver as part of a weight loss plan. I'll even include inches lost and before/after pics, too. For now, what I can say for sure is that the workouts are FUN and motivating, so I want to do them. That's a big bonus. They also make me feel absolutely fantastic so there are wonderful benefits from this workout aside from just weight loss. But in the end, my goal is to drop a more than a few lbs. Let's see if BB can help so that I don't have to run off to join a burpee bootcamp from hell.

The challenge details:

Length: 8 weeks

Schedule: Custom streaming workout plan at I'm aiming to do the Fat Blaster Ideal week most weeks, which prescribes an hour a day, 6-day a week workout schedule. Should be intense enough, right? I may need to scale it back if I feel myself getting burnt out and may substitute some of the BB DVDs for the same reason.

Accountability: Each Friday I'll post a recap of my week, thoughts on the program and lbs/inches lost. I'll post pics at the end of week 8.

What do you guys think? Anyone want to join me or share their own ballet workout experiences? I need all the motivation I can get although I can't wait to see how this experiment turns out!