
#fitnessfriday - Ballet Beautiful update and Gemma Ward weight loss motivation


Just a heads up, my #fitnessfriday posts may sometimes come in the form of #slimdownsaturday, #superfitsunday or #motivationmonday, because if there is one thing that I have never been called in my life it is - consistent. But hooray for me, I have managed to be pretty darn consistent in my workouts the last few weeks doing about 4 days a week of my beloved Ballet Beautiful workouts. These next two weeks have to be all about stepping that up to a consistent 5 day a week practice and I can't wait to share how it goes and the results I'm seeing. But if you're looking for discussions about pounds lost or before and after measurements, I'll have to direct you elsewhere - I'm a bit too private to share quite all of that. However I'm going to keep a running total of inches lost over the next six weeks to keep as a bit of motivation to keep my workouts at that nearly-every-day frequency. Today's update? My muscles are continuing to get it together so I'm currently in that phase where I can't stop poking at my biceps or feeling on my flexed legs. I know that sounds crazy but thankfully I'm surrounded by people who are very understanding about these sorts of things. 

So it's still Sunday in some parts, but let's call this one #motivationmonday anyway. I'll need it as I embark on my 5-day-a-week plan and right now my motivation is none other than Miss Gemma Ward. Gemma was big in the modeling world before gaining a reported 30-40 pounds. Some say she was rebelling against the fashion industry, others say she was grieving her boyfriend's passing (she was dating Heath Ledger at the time of his death), but last week she surprised a few folks with her comeback which had her opening Prada's show. I'd love to know what she did to get back in model form but I suspect it involved a lot of green juice and a dance/pilates/yoga-type workout routine, so here we go. If she can do it, so can I (and so can you!)

Left, Gemma during her original modeling career. Right, Gemma plus 30-40 pounds.

Left, Gemma during her original modeling career. Right, Gemma plus 30-40 pounds.

Last week at the Prada SS '15 show..

Last week at the Prada SS '15 show..