
welcome back and #fitnessfriday update with Ballet Beautiful


No, nothing is wrong with your blog subscription...I went missing for a bit to try to maintain my post-vacation sanity. I hit a wall and needed to sleep it off. It's partially (ok, totally) my fault for taking no time after getting back before jumping right back into a full social schedule. That should have been eased into and because I didn't, I started to pay the price in the form of exhaustion. Sounds glamorous, doesn't it? Well the recovery continues so my Instagram this week will be full of pics of my new pajama pants and shots of Netflix and HBO GO playing on my TV so, you know, stay tuned if you're into that kind of thing. I'm also working a lot of OT because this girl needs to get her fall shopping funds in order. This is essential because I don't do well when I can't buy what I want. Case in point, I'm still tortured by this bag-I-left-behind at the Neiman Marcus outlet: 

I dare you to tell me that leather isn't to die for. I actually hugged the bag because it was so amazingly soft and smooshy. If you had any doubt, I am a handbag girl through and through. Ugh, being financially responsible is hard at times.

#fitnessfriday update: My workout plan is ramping up. I had delusions of being able to jump into this thing full force, doing hour-long Ballet Beautiful workouts followed by more cardio and then some yoga but let me tell you again that Ballet Beautiful is no joke. Each workout has a cardio effect, even if it isn't specifically cardio, if that makes sense. What I'm trying to say is: you. will. SWEAT. And the strength/toning component is incredibly effective - I can't even remember the last time I've been sore within hours of a workout and it happens every single time with BB. So right now I'm focusing on getting up to a consistent 6 day a week workout, rotating between BB's toning, cardio and flexibility focused workouts and then I'll get on myself about adding more challenges in the mix. Extra cardio would be a good thing. And I need some yoga back in my life to counteract the effects of sitting at a computer all day for work. 

This week's goal? 4 Ballet Beautiful workouts and 2 yoga sessions. Plan workout wardrobe overhaul because it's well overdue. Drink 2 liters of water a day and take my supplements (D3, multivitamin and Viviscal) daily.